One Piece TCG
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Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll discuss a deck that is as cheap as it is aggressive. This deck is incredib...
deck tech competitive one piece tcg
In today's article, we'll explore a resilient deck that has performed well in the west and plays som...
meta deck tech one piece tcg
In today's article, we'll discuss a relatively strong meta deck, represented by the captain of the S...
meta deck tech luffy
In today's article, we'll study Red Yellow Sabo. This deck is quite different from the original ST13...
decktech guide op
In today's article, we'll discuss how to build ST13 - The Three Brothers, and how to play its leader...
decktech onepiecetcg
Renan Menezes
Let's discuss one of the three Leaders that have dominated this format in OP-05. The Captain is back...
Luffy One Piece OP05
In this deck tech, we'll explore a budget approach to this Purple and Yellow leader from OP-04, Croc...
decktech onepiece