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원피스 TCG는 인기 만화와 애니메이션 시리즈인 원피스를 바탕으로 한 트레이딩 카드 게임에 중점을 둔 Cards Realm 웹사이트의 카테고리입니다. 플레이어들은 게임과 관련된 카드를 연결하고 공유하며 교환할 수 있으며, 일일 뉴스를 업데이트하고 토너먼트에 참가하며, 카드 게임 애호가들의 활기찬 커뮤니티 내에서 다양한 활동에 참여할 수 있습니다.

유행하는 기사

Deck Guide: Navy Mono Black Smoker

Get to know Smoker!

Deck Guide: Navy Mono Black Smoker

One Piece TCG: 5 Budget Decks to Start With

Decks which fit your wallet!

One Piece TCG: 5 Budget Decks to Start With

Deck Guide: Red Yellow Sabo - The Revolutionary Flame

ST13 - The Three Brothers!

Deck Guide: Red Yellow Sabo - The Revolutionary Flame

Reviewing Brazil's Treasure Cup Results from February 15th

Blue skies!

Reviewing Brazil's Treasure Cup Results from February 15th

One Piece TCG - Deck Guide: Captain Buggy and the Cross Guild

A budget list!

One Piece TCG - Deck Guide: Captain Buggy and the Cross Guild

Deck Guide: Kalgara - The King of Budget Decks!

The Budget King!

Deck Guide: Kalgara - The King of Budget Decks!

One Piece Card Game: Basic Rules!

Get to know everything about the game!

One Piece Card Game: Basic Rules!

One Piece TCG: Deck Guide - Shanks, the Red Haired


One Piece TCG: Deck Guide - Shanks, the Red Haired

Mono Green Uta - From the Big Screen to the Competitive Scene in One Piece TCG

One Piece!

Mono Green Uta - From the Big Screen to the Competitive Scene in One Piece TCG

One Piece TCG: About Bans, Restrictions, Cancel Announcements & the Current Meta

Ban review!

One Piece TCG: About Bans, Restrictions, Cancel Announcements & the Current Meta

OP09 - Emperors in the New World: Leader Review


OP09 - Emperors in the New World: Leader Review

Blue Yellow Portgas D. Ace - The "Fire Fist" Ace

ST13 - The Three Brothers!

Blue Yellow Portgas D. Ace - The "Fire Fist" Ace

One Piece TCG Review: The OP06 Meta, Best Leaders and Strategies

Best Leaders from OP06!

One Piece TCG Review: The OP06 Meta, Best Leaders and Strategies

Deck Guide - Baroque Works Crocodile

A Budget Option!

Deck Guide - Baroque Works Crocodile

One Piece TCG: How to Deal Damage, Prepare Lethal Attacks and Close Matches!

Learn how to close out a match!

One Piece TCG: How to Deal Damage, Prepare Lethal Attacks and Close Matches!

One Piece TCG: Pre-Release Guide - OP04 - Kingdoms of Intrigue

OP04 Pre-Release Guide

One Piece TCG: Pre-Release Guide - OP04 - Kingdoms of Intrigue

One Piece TCG: Precon Decks Review and Ranking

OP Precons Review!

One Piece TCG: Precon Decks Review and Ranking

Deck Tech: Purple Luffy

Understand how Luffy ramps!

Deck Tech: Purple Luffy

One Piece TCG: Deck Guide - Luffy ST14

Let's play with Luffy ST14!

One Piece TCG: Deck Guide - Luffy ST14

Deck Guide: Black and Yellow Luffy

A complex tier 1 deck!

Deck Guide: Black and Yellow Luffy

Zoro & Sanji Starter Deck - ST12: Review

Swords in the Kitchen!

Zoro & Sanji Starter Deck - ST12: Review
