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Deck Guide: Red Yellow Sabo - The Revolutionary Flame

Deck Guide: Red Yellow Sabo - The Revolutionary Flame

Pedro Braga

In today's article, we'll study Red Yellow Sabo. This deck is quite different from the original ST13...

decktech guide op

Blue Yellow Portgas D. Ace - The "Fire Fist" Ace

Blue Yellow Portgas D. Ace - The "Fire Fist" Ace

Pedro Braga

In today's article, we'll discuss how to build ST13 - The Three Brothers, and how to play its leader...

decktech onepiecetcg

Deck Guide - Baroque Works Crocodile

Deck Guide - Baroque Works Crocodile

Pedro Braga

In this deck tech, we'll explore a budget approach to this Purple and Yellow leader from OP-04, Croc...

decktech onepiece
