One Piece TCG
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Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll go through the new One Piece TCG banlist, effective from April 2025 onward...
news opinion review optcg competitive
Murilo Papa
Today, let's go through everything that might be banned in the next One Piece TCG banlist update, as...
onepiece banlist optcg review
Renan Menezes
In this article, we'll discuss the OP06 meta based on what we've seen in the East. We'll see what ar...
OP06 One Piece Luffy Sakazuki Meta Yamato
In this article, we'll discuss the bans and restrictions that were announced on November 11th, their...
Bans Restrictions ST10 OP05
The best way to start playing any TCG is by not spending much, and, therefore, here are 5 budget dec...
budget constructed Nami Zoro
Felipe Torres
This article compares One Piece Trading Card Game's precon decks. This assessment covers all availab...
onepieceTCG precon